What is it?
Our NPS Benchmarking feature allows you to compare your NPS against external NPS benchmarking scores (that you enter from your chosen source) in order to deliver a powerful tool to better contextualize your score against other industry leaders or data pools.
Please note we do not supply industry NPS average data for you.
How to get started
In order to have access to this tool you will need to ensure NPS for the account is enabled. You can double-check this in your Settings area in the top right drop-down in your account as shown below.
Once enabled, we now need to configure our benchmarks.
Head to your Reporting area > select Benchmark Report > Configure. Then follow the below.
You may add as many industries or data pools as you wish and these can be edited and deleted at any time.
Our Benchmark tool offers a great way to contextualize your score that shows how your company's NPS is trending as compared to average industry performance.
Select your comparative industry from the drop-down and a report will load with some key metrics.
- Industry low score (if inputted)
- Industry average score
- Industry high score (if inputted)
- Your NPS (including the percentile) - This is your accumulated NPS across all Thermometers within the account.
Please note if no high or low scores are inputted, the low will be marked as -100 and the high as 100.
You will also see a report marking all industries you have added and where you sit against the industry's NPS average.
Please note that the number in black on the right-hand side of the bar is your score which is represented by the white circle on the bar.
All industries you have inputted will be represented on this graph with the industry selected in the dropdown marked in pink.
Looking for extra NPS help? Look no further than our Ultimate Guide To Net Promoter Score® (NPS).