The steps below will guide you through the process of embedding a Thermometer into your Freshdesk tickets. Customer Thermometer responses can also be written directly onto the Freshdesk ticket.
Create your Freshdesk Embedded Thermometer
Create your Freshdesk Thermometer by heading to Thermometers > click the pink 'Add New Thermometers' button. Then select 'Within a Helpdesk' > 'Freshdesk' > 'The Question'.
This will then open up your Thermometer Builder where you can create your survey and thank you pages.
The Question
This section of the builder is where you can choose the design of your survey including naming your Thermometer, adding your question and selecting your survey icons or uploading your own bespoke icons. The below video will demo all the customisation which can be achieved in this section.
Connect your survey
In order for identifiable data about your recipients and senders to display within your reporting area, you first need to capture it. This would be done at the point that the email is sent, by including merge fields/variables from Freshdesk within the Thermometer code.
We pre-populate the most common Freshdesk variables for you in this section, however, you can add more if you wish.
These variables will capture the corresponding pieces of identifiable data from your Freshdesk ticket and present them alongside the recipient's feedback rating within your reporting. Please note custom 1 must contain ticket ID in order for the writeback to work.
Response options
In your Connect your survey area, you have additional response options. Here you can choose whether to enable a lockout and set your email alert notifications.
Separate multiple email addresses with commas.
At the bottom of this page, you'll see the next step is the Freshdesk Integration section.
Our write-back enables the survey ratings and comments to be posted directly back into your Freshdesk account. They will be posted as private notes on the ticket and will display as being posted by the ticket requester.
The Freshdesk Ticket IDs captured alongside the responses in your Customer Thermometer will also be hyperlinked, enabling you to quickly click through from your reporting to see the ticket in Freshdesk.
First, add your full Freshdesk domain name (eg: and then a valid Freshdesk API Key. Once added hit validate credentials to make the connection.
Thank you page
It’s time to get those Thank you pages looking beautiful!
See below for a step by step walkthrough:
Adding Thermometer icons to your Freshdesk email notifications
Once you've finished designing your Thermometer, the 'Give me my Thermometer' section will provide you with your finished survey to embed into Freshdesk. Click the 'Copy to clipboard' button to copy your survey to embed into Freshdesk.
Within Freshdesk go to Admin > Workflows> Email Notifications.
Thermometers can be added to any of Freshdesk’s notification templates.
For example, you might choose to ask for feedback during every thread.
To do this, select “Templates > Agent reply”.
Alternatively, ask for feedback on ticket closure, within “Requester Notifications”.
Whichever template you choose to customize, you can simply paste the survey straight into the template.
Please note you will not be able to capture identifiable data if the survey is embedded within the signature section.