Please note, unsubscribes apply to Email Thermometers only.
The unsubscribe button
To protect privacy, unsubscribe links are automatically added to all Email Thermometer footers.
It is not possible to override this feature.
The recipient’s experience
If a recipient wishes to unsubscribe from future Email Thermometers, they simply click the unsubscribe link. They will be shown a confirmation message in their browser. No further action is necessary.
What happens to you, the sender?
As soon as an unsubscribe is received by your account, if you’ve registered your email address for notifications, you’ll be sent an email alert.
Add your address for notifications in the settings area as shown:
A list of unsubscribed contacts will be displayed underneath this area, including the date and time they unsubscribed. You are also able to export this list.
It will no longer be possible to send an Email Thermometer to that unsubscribed contact.