Create your Desk Embedded Thermometer
Create a new Embedded Thermometer.
Choose “” from the Embedded Thermometer type drop down box.
Generate your embed code
Click the Generate embed code button. You will see a window popup.
To capture identifiable data for the recipient and sender etc we use Desk’s variables within the survey code. We pre-populate some of Desk’s variables for you as shown below but you can add more into the spare custom fields if you wish (click ‘Add more fields’).
NOTE ON LIQUID VARIABLES: Desk only allows certain Liquid Variables to be used in this way.
To see the up to date list – click here. If you find custom variables not being reported in Customer Thermometer as you might expect, do check this list – as that’s likely to be the issue.
If you would like to report on the agent name in Custom 2 or 3, then we recommend you use the liquid variable: {{case.user.name_public}}
Click the pink “Generate HTML” and copy the HTML code generated.
Option 1: Add Thermometer icons to Desk Case replies
For Thermometer icons to appear as a signature within each Case reply, you’ll need to set up a new (or edit the default) Reply Theme.
Visit Channels > Reply Themes. Click on the Reply Theme you’d like to edit.
Position your cursor at the correct point in the body copy (see below for our recommendation) and paste in your embed code.
Click Update when complete.
Ensure that this Reply Theme is set as the default.
How to insert feedback buttons immediately after the last comment in the Case thread
We recommend creating thread emails that look like:
To do this, scroll down the default code inside the new Reply Theme to the line underneath the
{% if email.agent.signature %} element.
Insert the line shown below, underneath that element:
{% if forloop.first %}
Then paste in your Customer Thermometer embed code, copied from your account.
Ensure the line
{% endif %}
is the line both before and after the Thermometer code.
Don’t forget to save/update and then choose it as your default reply theme.
Click the image below to enlarge, to see how it should look when complete.
Option 2: Send a Thermometer Email on Case closure / resolved
Create your Case closure email by using an Auto-Acknowlegement:
Add in the code from your Customer Thermometer account and customize as required.
When you create the new Auto-acknowledgement- it will look something like:
Once the new Acknowledgement is saved, go to Cases > Rules > Inbound Interaction.
Set up a rule, similar to the screenshot below.
Customize as you require. For example, you may prefer to send on Resolved Case status or only run the rule during business hours.
Don’t forget to click update, and you’re done.
Issue capturing agent names
We know of one customer having a problem capturing agent names against tickets – particularly when using Case Notifications.
If {{email.sender}} doesn’t work, try {{}} as a custom field when creating your HTML.
Final steps
Once you’ve embedded your Thermometer into Desk, you’ll need to finalize your landing pages. You can enable a comment field, add your logo, customize the wording, and lots more!
Simply go to ‘Manage Thermometers‘, and click to edit your Thermometer. Our guide to Creating landing pages will take you through the options…and if you’d like some inspiration, take a look at our top tips for beautiful landing pages.