Warning: This user guide is for our legacy user interface.
Our Office 365 Outlook Add-In enables you to add a survey directly into your Outlook signature quickly and easily. What’s more, the recipient and sender details will be automatically captured and displayed next to the responses in your reporting – so your survey data will be fully identifiable.
Please ensure your Outlook is updated to the latest version. The add-in may not fully function on Outlook 2002, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013.
Due to a limitation of the Microsoft APIs, identifiable data will not be captured when sending a survey from a shared mailbox.
Step 1 – create your Thermometer
Create a new Thermometer, following our Embedded Thermometer guidance.
Choose ‘Outlook Office 365’ from the Embedded Thermometer type drop down box:
To capture the subject line next to all responses, simply enable the option within your Thermometer settings:
When you’re happy with your Thermometer set-up, save your settings and then click the “Installation Instructions” button:
A pop-up will open, containing two tabs:
- Setup Add-In
- Custom Fields
Step 2 – data capture
The following details will always be captured next to all responses:
Email: Email address of recipient(s)
Custom 1: Name of sender
Custom 2: Email address of sender
Custom 3: Email subject (if enabled)
If this data is sufficient for your requirements, you can skip this step and proceed to ‘Step 3‘ below, and set up your add-in.
However, if you wish to capture any additional information next to the responses, select the ‘Custom fields’ tab:
You can then enter your additional data into the unused custom fields.
For example, if you have decided to have a separate Thermometer per department, you might wish to capture the dept name/location/etc in the additional custom fields:
Step 3 – set up your add-in
Once you’re happy with the custom field data, select the ‘Setup Add-in’ tab:
On this tab, you’ll see instructions for adding our Add-In to your Outlook account:
Step 4 – authorize your add-in
Next, you’ll need to authorize your Customer Thermometer account and your Office 365 Outlook account to work together:
- Return to your Outlook inbox and click the Customer Thermometer logo in the top ribbon.
- A panel will launch on the right of your Outlook inbox – click ‘Authorize‘.
- Enter your Office 365 Outlook login credentials when prompted.
- Click ‘Accept’ in the permissions pop-up:
- Enter the login credentials for your Customer Thermometer account and click ‘Log in’:
Your Customer Thermometer account is now connected to your Outlook account!
Please note if rolling out the add-in across a team, each person will either need to be given the Customer Thermometer credentials for this part of the set-up or the main admin will need to log in to Customer Thermometer within the add-in on each person’s device.
Step 5 – signature set-up
Finally, you’ll need to select your Thermometer from the drop-down in the side panel:
Click ‘Activate Survey’.
Survey positioning
If you already have an Outlook signature, your survey will automatically be placed above your existing signature:
However, if you’d prefer your survey to be positioned below your signature, you can use our signature management panel within the add-in to achieve this.
Simply disable your existing Outlook signature, and recreate it in the side panel instead:
Click ‘Save changes’ and then ‘Activate Survey’.
Your survey will then appear below your new signature:
Sending emails containing the survey
Sending an email containing your survey is quick and easy and there are a few ways you can do it.
When creating a new email you can use the pink 'Insert Now' button from the side panel to simply add your survey to your mail.
Or if you are replying to an email you can select your preferred option in the side panel:
We also have a video demo below which runs through how to install the add-in and apply your signature survey.
Supported Versions
Within the add-in, we utilise technology that is only available in the newer versions of Microsoft Office. As Office 365 provides the latest version as part of its subscription offering, you should have automatic updates available.
The add-in may not fully function on Outlook 2002, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013.
Making changes to your survey
Amending your survey
To change any elements of the survey itself, you’ll need to log in to your Customer Thermometer account, go to ‘Manage Thermometers’, and edit your Thermometer there.
You can amend the Thermometer name, the question, the icons, and the icon descriptions.
Any changes you make will be automatically passed through to your O365 Outlook account.
You can even make changes to the data capture in the custom fields if you wish. Simply click ‘Get add-in link’ again, then select the ‘Custom fields’ tab. Follow the guidance in ‘Step 2‘ above to amend the data capture.
Amending your signature
To change any details in your signature, simply open your Customer Thermometer side panel, and select ‘Settings’ from the menu in the top left corner:
This will reopen your signature settings in the side panel.