Report Maker allows you to compare two (sets of) Thermometers’ responses side by side and show the variance between the various metrics.
Access Report Maker here:
Choose which Thermometer or sets of Thermometers you’d like to compare.
For your benchmark, start with “Slice 1”. Select either a single or multiple (by CTRL-clicking) Thermometers and choose a date range (or leave the default for all):
You’ll then see the ribbon of metrics appear underneath.
Do the same for Slice 2 and generate the second ribbon.
The variance between the two slices will be shown at the bottom of the report.
What’s the difference between the metrics?
Temperature rating provides a single number per Blast to benchmark trends.
Happiness factor is the %age happy vs %age disappointed responses.
NPS score, when enabled, provides your Net Promoter Scores.
Click here to see how we calculate variances.